Responsible Sourcing And Ethical Business Practices Policy

This policy reflects and emphasizes Mamee Group of Companies’ commitment as an active player in the global snack and beverage business arena to deliver value to our customers and our community, and in ensuring that our business practices are sustainable, ethical and in compliance with all applicable laws and international standards.

To this end, we need all our business partners’ support and commitment to the same principles and standard of conduct. This policy defines the minimum requirements or standards that we expect from all our business partners in our supply chain including vendors and service providers who directly or indirectly supply goods and/or perform services for or on behalf of Mamee Group of Companies (collectively, “Business Partners” and each a “Business Partner”), and we absolutely reserve our rights to immediately cease dealing with any Business Partner found to be materially in breach with this policy.

As part of our Business Partner onboarding process, all persons interested to supply any goods or services to Mamee Group of Companies are required to read and understand this policy. In applying or registering to be our Business Partner and completing the Business Partner onboarding process with us, you are deemed to have agreed to comply with all minimum requirements or standards as set down below and shall promptly take all steps to ensure full compliance no later than 6 months from the date of completion of the Business Partner onboarding process. For the avoidance of doubt, if any Business Partner operates in a country that has requirements or standards less stringent than our policy as set out below or laws and regulations applicable to Mamee Group of Companies, then the Business Partner must implement and uphold our minimum requirements or standards as per our policy or laws and regulations applicable to Mamee Group of Companies.

  1. Product Safety

    You agree to comply, and shall comply, with all the following at all times in your supply of any materials to any company within Mamee Group of Companies (“MAMEE”):

    • All materials shall be safe for human consumption, free of Genetically Modified Organisms, and in compliance with applicable laws, by-laws, rules, regulations, directives, guidelines instruments and orders issued by relevant authorities, including the Malaysian Food Act 1983 and Food Regulations 1985, CODEX Alimentarius Standards, European Union regulations (including the European Commission General Food Law), United States Food & Drug Administration (USFDA) and Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ);
    • All materials shall be sourced, produced, processed, packaged, labelled and handled in accordance with all applicable public health and food safety laws and regulations and best industry practices. In particular, the packaging of materials shall not contain any discriminative, sensitive or offensive text, words, language, symbols, images, or visuals towards any and all race, ethnicity, religion or culture in Malaysia;
    • You will track and record in sufficient detail each stage in the supply chain of your materials including location of plantation, location of production, application or methods of production, conditions and methods of storage, and location of warehouse (if different from location of production);
    • As Mamee Group of Companies is involved in the snack and beverage business, you will ensure that all workers involved in the supply chain of the materials are given extensive compulsory training to ensure that the materials are at all times sourced, manufactured, produced, stored and handled in accordance with all applicable public health and food safety laws and regulations and best industry practices; and
    • You will be transparent with MAMEE on all your policies, standards, processes, practices and records in connection with the production, sourcing, storage and handling of materials, and shall provide all supporting documentation and records to MAMEE upon MAMEE’s request, and shall allow or procure for MAMEE full and free access to any factory, facility or warehouse involved in the supply of materials to audit and verify information and documentation provided to MAMEE.
  2. Sustainability and Environmental Standards

    You agree to comply, and shall at all times comply, with all applicable environmental laws and regulations, and use environmentally sustainable practices, in your supply of materials to MAMEE including:

    • You shall have and maintain all legally required and valid environmental permits, licenses, approvals and any other relevant certifications;
    • You shall have and maintain an effective system to manage and reduce all adverse environmental impact arising from your business or operations including waste, water, wastewater, energy, carbon footprint, air emissions, chemical and hazardous materials, and any other environmental risks;
    • You shall not do or permit anyone in your supply chain to do any acts that result in biodiversity loss, including any plans involving deforestation or destruction of ecosystems;
    • To the extent possible, you will conserve natural resources by promoting and using renewable resources (such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power) and sustainable agriculture in the process of sourcing and producing the materials;
    • You shall not use, and shall prohibit the use of, hazardous substances as provided in applicable laws and regulations, and shall comply with legal requirements on the matters of chemical management and handling;
    • You have a comprehensive response plan or procedure for environmental accidents or emergencies, and you have well trained environmental personnel to handle such accidents or emergencies; and
    • You shall maintain a record of environmental emergencies or accidents and all corrective or preventive measures implemented.
  3. Ethical Labor Practices

    You agree to comply, and shall comply, with all the following at all times in your supply of any materials to MAMEE:

    • In all matters relating to the hiring and employment of your workers, you shall comply strictly with all local laws and regulations, as well as international standards, practices, guidelines and conventions on human rights, worker welfare, health and safety, and prohibition against slavery and forced labour, including the conventions of International Labour Organization, United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Ethical Trading Initiative’s Base Code, and the values and standards of United Nations Global Compact;
    • You shall observe the ‘Employer Pays Principle’ throughout your hiring process, which requires you to bear all recruitment-related costs and, if applicable, repay to the worker all such costs within one month of hiring;
    • No child labour (as defined by the laws of the country of employment) shall be employed or used in any part of your business, operation and supply chain;
    • No forced, coerced or involuntary workers shall be employed or used in any part of your business, operations, and supply chain;
    • All workers shall be given fair wages for the work performed, and you will respect the rights of your workers to freedom of association and collective bargaining;
    • You shall provide a workplace that is safe for all your workers and free from any and all forms of discrimination, violence, harassment, and abuse;
    • If you provide hostels to your workers, you shall ensure that the living conditions are hygienic, clean, habitable, decent and
    • You have an effective, fair and comprehensive process for handling and resolving any reports of workplace grievances, and such process must be transparent and made accessible to all workers at all times.
  4. Anti-Corruption and Bribery

    Mamee Group of Companies observe a strict zero-gifts and anti-corruption policy, and we expect the same from our Business Partners. As our Business Partner, you agree to comply, and shall comply, with all the following at all times in your supply of any materials to MAMEE:

    • All applicable laws, regulations, and codes relating to anti-corruption in your country of business, and MAMEE’s policy on anti-corruption, shall be strictly observed at all times by you in the conduct of your business and throughout your supply chain;
    • You shall not engage or attempt to engage in any form of bribery, kickbacks, corruption, extortion, or embezzlement in conducting your business and operations; and
    • You shall not solicit, accept or offer any form of monetary or non-monetary gifts, favours, entertainment, advantages or benefits to or from anyone, be it MAMEE’s employees or otherwise, and shall not make any attempts to do so.

Standards of Compliance

For the purpose of items (B) and/or (C) of this policy, please be informed that we recommend and accept the audit findings or standards of the following:

  • SMETA (SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit);
  • EcoVadis Sustainability Assessments;
  • the Amfori BSCI Code of Conduct; and
  • Workplace Conditions Assessment.

Updates to the Policy

We may review or revise this policy from time to time or when special circumstance arises to address any emerging risks or issues and ensure that our requirements or standards remain current and align with all applicable changes in laws and regulations, best industry practices, and international standards.

Contact Us

If any person interested in being our Business Partner or any existing Business Partners have any questions or concerns with our policy, please be open about the challenges and reach out to us. We will do our best to collaborate with you and find practical solutions to your challenges.